You might wonder if there is any progress. Well, wonder no more, but enlight yourself with the google code updates link

So, in short, yes I am working pretty much on the project. I compare it a bit like a operating on a patient: multiple bypasses, a heart surgery, and much more still to be done.

However, although I have officially broken with the old code design and I’m trying to decouple as much of the components. (it really looks like spaghetti code with meatballs sometimes). It does mean I code a lot, but feature wise it will not be much better. In the end the code should be much easier to understand, maintain and so forth. This also means adding new features should be easier.

Currently I’m working on ‘getting skirmish to work again’ as I have broken serious initialization code in my previous commits. Once that works, I’ll fix up the drawing of the menu’s a bit and then release a new unstable.

Stay tuned!

Btw, thanks for visiting my blog post about refactoring. Looks like a lot of people read it. I’d like to hear what you think of it, so leave a comment or mail me. Thanks!


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