Because of all the hard work (refactoring) in the past, regarding the sidebar and so forth, it was now quite easy to alter the code to support the 800×600 resolution. Theoretically it should be working with all resolutions (as long as the sidebar is 160 pixels wide).

While adjusting code to support the 800×600 resolution I have decided to make the interface more flexible. Although it still uses (for now) a static bitmap to draw the general interface, a lot more things are drawn separately.

Although it is not finished yet (the sidebar has a bit crappy graphics in the space, that exists due the height increase (480 vs 600 pixels)), i am quite pleased with the result. If you think you can contribute to the general interface graphics, just check out the code with SVN. I have introduced a graphics folder which contains BMP files that I am using in the game. This way even non-programmers should be able to contribute (if they would like to).

Another screenshot (click on it to view the full-sized screenshot):

Like it? Don’t like it? Let me know! 🙂

Btw: The two black rectangles are areas where the up/down scroll buttons will be drawn. I have the gfx ready, but I’m not finished with the code yet…

Also, did you notice that I have introduced an add-ons & maps page recently?


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