With Dune 2 – The Maker, we strongly believe the community is the driving force behind this project. We have tons of ideas but we can’t go anywhere near them without you.
Since our last update, we had quite a lot of help from our community member Koijirion. And he had great arguments to switch from SDL to SFML and had some other good suggestions. So we did follow up, accepted his help (of course!). I think this is a great example how the community has influence on this project and how we can make it better by sharing our knowledge and ideas.
Since the last update, in a nutshell, here is what we have done so far:
- a total switch from SDL 1.2 to SFML 2.1
- gained a 20-100x performance boost (ie ~ 40 fps (sdl) versus to 4K (sfml) fps)
- a much easier to set-up project using CMake (guarenteed to work on OS X, Linux. Not yet tested on Windows; who wants to help out with this?)
- works on the ability to use a console (like you have in Quake for instance) – see this pull request in progress
- collision detection
- better movement code compared to SDL version
The infantry feature is paused a bit, but will be resumed shortly. If you want to know what we want to do (or are doing), just visit our new and public Trello board.
For our first release, we aim at a playable version where two players have units to eliminate each other. Very easy step, but it will involve quite some technical challenges. For now however, we are working on the engine basics, which evolved very nicely since our very recent (and quite a lot) additions from Kojirion. Thanks again!
Want to be part of this? You’re welcome, and contributing is easy; you can star/follow/fork our project at github. Create a feature branch, commit, push and you’re on your way.
If you are not sure yet how you can contribute, but have some awesome ideas? Just join our IRC channel (details below) and share them (you can also create forum posts, email us, etc).
IRC: Join us at channel #d2tm on irc.boxbox.org
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